Learn about Natural and Lab Grown Diamonds 

Learn more about the 4 C's of Diamonds: Color, Cut, Clarity, and Carat.
Learn about the 4Cs of diamonds

When searching for the right diamond, always keep the 4Cs in mind, namely color, clarity, cut, and carat weight. The 4Cs offer a way to objectively compare and evaluate diamonds in order to make a perfect selection.


Diamonds actually do have color, but the less color the better. "Fancy" diamonds have colors of yellow, pink and blue to name a few.

Color grades are determined by comparing a diamond to a master set. Each letter grade represents a range of color and is measured by the color's noticeability.

Learn about the color grades of a diamond, through Affinity & Co's Diamond Education.

A diamond's cut reflects how it shines in light and how bright it is. The cut also shows "fire", which are flares of color emitted when in the light, as well as scintillation that describes the patterns of color you find. With the Venus Grading System, you can distinguish XXX cut diamonds.

Learn about how to look and understand a diamond's cut, through Affinity & Co's Diamond Education.

Diamonds form under extreme heat and pressure, so it's therefore very rare to find a diamond that doesn't have internal or external characteristics.

These characteristics are just a part of natural diamond formation and help gemologists identify stones and separate true diamonds from synthetics and simulants.

Carat size

One carat equals 200 milligrams in weight. To find the weight for diamonds under a carat, divide into 100 points. For example, 0.75 ct is equal to 75 points and .50 ct is equal to 50 points.

Learn more about a diamond's carat size, through this brief diamond education.
Four generations of master craftsman since 1888


  • Round
  • Emerald
  • Asscher
  • Pear
  • Marquise
  • Radiant
  • Oval
  • Princess
  • Cushion